Silver Linings for Never Trumpers

Most of my friends decided very early to join the “Never Trump” ranks. Now that Trump has quite astoundingly been elected president, they must still be haunted by many fears and gloomy prognostications. These may, after all, turn out to be right. Who knows? But I do see a few remarkable silver linings among the dark clouds.

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Hillary no. But Donald? The difficult choice of American Catholics

Hillary no. But Donald? The difficult choice of American Catholics

Who will Catholics then vote for? Weigel assures that "I will not assign my vote to either Clinton or Trump but only to a person worthy of the presidency". We do not know who he is, but he adds: "In any case it is fundamental to choose the Republican party in Congress".Siobhan is convinced that "in the end Catholics will vote for Trump. Not because of him, though, but thanks to Pence, a man who has the moral fiber to put money instead of his mouth. That is to do what he says ". For Novak, however, "the conflict that dwells in the conscience of every Catholic will be resolved only at the last moment. This is another reason why we must not trust the published surveys ".

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