Dr. Seana Sugrue of Ave Maria University announced as First Laub Novak Award Recipient for 2015

Ave Herald

Seana Sugrue is 1st Laub Novak Award Winner This Year

Published in The Ave Maria Herald on Saturday, January 17, 2015 


Dr. Seana Sugrue, a professor of politics at Ave Maria University, has been named as 2015's first recipient of the Laub Novak Award for excellence in teaching.

The award is a private initiative of author Michael Novak and is named for Mr. Novak's late wife, the artist Karen Laub Novak.

Dr. Sugrue is one of Ave Maria University's longest-serving faculty members and teaches courses in politics, government and history. The award ceremony will take place at the private dining room of the AMU student union at 7 p.m. Jan. 30. There will be classical entertainment and light refreshments will be included, along with encomiums of Dr. Sugrue by students. Students, colleagues and town residents are welcome to attend the ceremony.

Three other recipients of the award have also been announced: Dr. Andrew Dinan (Classics), Dr. Catherine Pakaluk (Economics) and Dr. Blanford Parker (Literature). Awards carry with them a $1,000 prize.

Karen Laub-Novak Library Opens at Donahue Academy in Ave Maria, Florida

Students at the Rhodora J. Donahue Academy in Ave Maria began using the new, spacious Karen Laub-Novak Library on their second floor Thursday, replete with more than a dozen computers, thanks to a substantial seed grant from Michael Novak and other donations for the long-desired facility. Karen Laub-Novak.

Named for Karen Laub-Novak (as portrayed in a portrait in the library), an artist and the beloved wife of Mr. Novak, the media center/library will operate under the direction and guidance of Mary Claire Dant, a certified media specialist who has worked in that capacity for many years at Poinciana Elementary and Vineyards Elementary in Naples.

As the students assembled in the hallway before processing inside, Headmaster Dr. Dan Guernsey addressed those gathered and said that Mr. Novak had made the donation for three reasons: because he loved his wife and wanted to honor her; because he loves knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge; and because he loves Ave Maria and its young people.

Mr. Novak gave a short tribute to his wife, Karen Laub-Novak. Fr. Michael Goodyear gave a blessing, and all entered the bright, airy library with its high ceiling, high enough to accommodate a second-story loft which is planned for a future phase.

Dr. Guernsey, Mr. Novak and Ms. Dant.

Ms. Dant says work on the library went rapidly once the project commenced this past autumn, with books coming in from donations and work performed by staff and volunteers. She noted that the media center was still taking donations, and that checks for that purpose could be sent to the Academy, with "media center" noted on the memo line.

Published in The Ave Maria Herald on March 30, 2012