
Social Justice: Isn't What You Think It Is
In Social Justice Isn’t What You Think It Is, Michael Novak and Paul Adams seek to clarify the true meaning of social justice and to rescue it from its ideological captors.
By: Michael Novak, Paul Adams and Elizabeth Shaw

Writing from Left to Right: My Journey from Liberal to Conservative
Michael Novak's political autobiography of his journey from liberal to conservative.
By: Michael Novak

Washington's God: Religion, Liberty, and the Father of Our Country
Washington has long been viewed as the patron saint of secular government, but in Washington's God , Michael Novak and his daughter, Jana, reveal that it was Washington's strong faith in divine Providence that gave meaning and force to his monumental life.
By: Michael Novak and Jana Novak

The Universal Hunger for Liberty: Why the Clash of Civilizations Is Not Inevitable
Starting with 9/11 and continuing with the struggle for peace in Iraq, the West has been forced to interact more fully with the civilization of Islam.
By: Michael Novak

On Two Wings: Humble Faith and Common Sense at the American Founding
In telling the story of the forgotten—if not deliberately ignored—role of faith in America’s beginnings, Michael Novak probes the innermost religious conviction of Washington, Jefferson, Madison and other of our Founders.
By: Michael Novak

Three in One: Essays on Democratic Capitalism, 1976-2000
Three in One introduces the reader to Novak's portrait of democratic capitalism.
By: Michael Novak; edited by Edward Younkins

A Free Society Reader: Principles for the New Millennium
A Free Society Reader rises to the challenge of freedom in the twenty-first century, offering thoughts and insights with significant implications for citizens of today's brand new world.
By: Michael Novak, William Brailsford, and Cornelis Heesters

On Cultivating Liberty: Reflections on Moral Ecology
Novak's crucial essays on "moral ecology": the ethos that must be cultivated and preserved if liberal democratic societies are to survive.
By: Michael Novak; Edited by Brian C. Andersen

This Hemisphere of Liberty: A Philosophy of the Americas
This book explores fundamental questions of wealth and poverty, of freedom and responsibility, and traces our ideas about them to their sources in Aristotle, Aquinas, and the Judeo-Christian tradition.
By: Michael Novak

New Consensus on Family and Welfare: A Community of Self-reliance
This book offers the consensus of a philosophically diverse group of scholars and former government administrators on how to reduce welfare dependency.
By: Michael Novak

Character and Crime: An Inquiry into the Causes of the Virtue of Nations
Writing as a philosopher, not as a social scientist, the author takes a radically different approach to the study of criminality, asking not 'what are the causes of crime?' but 'what are the causes of virtue?' Novak concentrates on what builds character and why there is a serious lack of character in our culture and society today.
By: Michael Novak

Will it Liberate?: Questions About Liberation Theology
Michael Novak's work is challenging. We often disagree sharply in out interpretations and assessments of liberation theology, but he raises important issues which call for clarification and response.
By: Michael Novak

Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions
Increasingly, the religious leaders of the world are addressing problems of political economy, expressing concern about the poor. But will their efforts actually help the poor? Or harm them? Much depends upon what kind of institutions are constructed, that is, upon realism and practicality.
By: Michael Novak

Moral Clarity in a Nuclear Age
“Moral Clarity” is an analysis of the arguments for and against nuclear armament.
By: Michael Novak

Spirit of Democratic Capitalism
“One of those rare books that actually changes the way things are.”
By: Michael Novak

The Guns of Lattimer
On September 10, 1897, in the hamlet of Lattimer mines, Pennsylvania, an armed posse took aim and fired into a crowd of oncoming mine workers, who were marching in their corner of the coal-mining region to call their fellow miners out on strike.
By: Michael Novak

Choosing Presidents: Symbols of Political Leadership
In Choosing Presidents, Novak uses the election of an American president as a means to dissect the symbols of our national life and politics, exposing many as distorted perceptions of American realities.
By: Michael Novak

Unmeltable Ethnics: Politics and Culture in American Life
Its aim "is to raise consciousness about a crucial part of the American experience: to involve each reader in self-inquiry. Who, after all, are you? What history brought you to where you are? Why are you different from others?"
By: Michael Novak