
Three in One: Essays on Democratic Capitalism, 1976-2000
Three in One introduces the reader to Novak's portrait of democratic capitalism.
By: Michael Novak; edited by Edward Younkins

A Free Society Reader: Principles for the New Millennium
A Free Society Reader rises to the challenge of freedom in the twenty-first century, offering thoughts and insights with significant implications for citizens of today's brand new world.
By: Michael Novak, William Brailsford, and Cornelis Heesters

The Fire of Invention: Civil Society and the Future of the Corporation
Many Americans today consider the corporation to be the number one public enemy. Downsizing, corporate greed, an exclusive focus on the needs of shareholders at the expense of workers-the list of complaints from the left and right is long and growing.
By: Michael Novak

Business as a Calling: Work and the Examined Life
Work should be more than just a job – it should be a calling. This book explains an important part of our lives in a new way, and readers will instantly recognize themselves in its pages.
By: Michael Novak

The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
The Church had for generations been reluctant to come to terms with capitalism, but, as Michael Novak argues in this important book, a hundred-year-long debate within the Church has yielded a richer and more humane vision of capitalism than that described in Max Weber's classic The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
By: Michael Novak

This Hemisphere of Liberty: A Philosophy of the Americas
This book explores fundamental questions of wealth and poverty, of freedom and responsibility, and traces our ideas about them to their sources in Aristotle, Aquinas, and the Judeo-Christian tradition.
By: Michael Novak

New Consensus on Family and Welfare: A Community of Self-reliance
This book offers the consensus of a philosophically diverse group of scholars and former government administrators on how to reduce welfare dependency.
By: Michael Novak

Toward The Future: Catholic Social Thought and the U.S. Economy
A response to the Catholic Bishops' Pastoral on the U.S. economy, this book presents a lay point of view on Catholic social thought and the economy.
By: Michael Novak and Michael Joyce